EMDR and Treatment Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was discovered by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro in the 1980’s. It was initially tested and endorsed by US Dept. of Veterans Affairs for use with veterans diagnosed with PTSD and other trauma survivors. It is not thoroughly understood how it works, but it does help to integrate dysfunctionally stored memories, and restore a sense of peace and well being. Today, we know that EMDR has helped many people struggling with a variety of issues. Research has shown strong evidence-based results of EMDR with survivors of motor vehicle accidents and childhood abuse and neglect, as well as combat veterans. It is known to be effective to eliminate the urge to abuse substances and alcohol and treat infertility. It has proven to be extremely effective for those with performance stress and anxiety such for those in high-stress jobs or the performing arts. The procedure is simple. After a thorough assessment, the memory of a distressful event is targeted. During EMDR, the client attends to a disturbing event while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. Therapist-directed lateral eye movements are most commonly used external stimulus, although hand-tapping and auditory stimulation may be used. The client is instructed to notice any thoughts, feelings or images that arise during the sequence. Usually, this new material becomes the focus of the next sequence. As the processing continues, the client begins to make associations to more adaptive material, which becomes integrated with the traumatic memories, resulting in the resolution of the distress associated with the historical event and restructuring of related beliefs. Clients sometimes report that before EMDR, the distressing memory was like a video with sounds and sensations. After the sessions, the memory became like a black and white photograph.